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Research page Private page english deutsch
repyHenning txeThielemann

" How can I know what I mean before I hear what I say. "

Stop! You wanted to add this site to your bookmarks collection, don't you? Don't excuse, you are already the BORDER=1 HitNumber . This URL should never be stored, instead use or more modern because these are always forwarded to my current home page.

As you know computer specialists are very lazy - that means efficient - people. That's why this site Made On Amiga and Best viewed with eyes. is written mainly in German. I had the choice between English and German - both together would mean too much work, of course. So I chose German because that's easier for me and allows me to build in much of the German puns I like so much. Only some topics of world wide interest (especially my self-made programs) are available in English, too. Here is the complete list (or better tree) of contents of my home page. Hyper linked texts are in English, the others exists in German only.

  1. Things that are hard to classify
    1. The usual introduction where you can get to know something about the author
    2. Stereoscopy (German but with many pictures) nice
    3. Study interesting
    4. Mathematical Olympics 1998, 2000, 2002
  2. Jokes unlimited
    1. Just for Fans - the best PC jokes
    2. The Telephone talk
    3. Two welfare workers meeting
    4. The German education is the best!
    5. Mathematics changing
    6. The nuclear power plant at Biblis/Germany
    7. The accidence of a mathematician
  3. Experience the whole internet in nice languages! new
  4. Hard mysteries
    1. A picture riddle
    2. Phrases mix
    3. Proverbs and Antidotes
    4. The small difference
  5. Amiga forever
    1. The Amiga Philosophy
    2. Computermedicine - how to do surgical operations on an Amiga
    3. My Programs
    4. Cluster programming language
    5. Some words about Modula 3
    6. My favourite GUI system MUI
    7. Some links for Amiga developers
  6. Computers in general
    1. Extreme Calendar Recycling very new
    2. C hater within 10 days
    3. Scripting language hater within 5 days
    4. A small dictionary Denglish-English
    5. The PC Philosophy
  7. Parapsychology - when things can't be true because they must not be true unfinished
    1. Parapsychology - You are well! How do I do?
    2. Däniken - out of our world view
    3. UFOs - flying saucers without any marital row
  8. Theory and reality
    1. Dictionary of reforms very new
    2. Demand controls the supply
    3. Socialism and Germanism new
    4. The deficite of IT employees new
    5. The association of insurants. very new
  9. The obligatory hyper links
    1. My friends
    2. My school
    3. Competitions I took part in old
  10. Surprise me with an E-Mail!

Created:1996-12 Henning Thielemann
Processed with HSC since:2001-06-04
Last modified:2010-04-15, 15:44
new 2002-06-03
very new2005-07-26
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Some non-functional addresses for those bulk mailers who like it. The adresses are randomly composed from real names using Markov chains. I hope that they don't exist in this form.